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All commands for SOLVE

This is a list of all the commands for SOLVE. Commands cause SOLVE to do something (solve a structure, scale data, search for heavy atoms, draw a map), while keywords set values of parameters (number of heavy atom sites, f' value)

Also see the list of common keywords that apply to automated SOLVE operation and the list of all keywords.

 ALIAS: set an alternate name for a keyword
 ANALYZE_MAD: analyze MAD data with MADBST and MADMRG
 ANALYZE_MIR: analyze MIR data
 AVG_OMIT: average key parts of a set of omit maps
 BTOF: convert from binary dorgbn file to formatted one
 CART_TO_FRACT: convert Cartesian coordinates to fractional
 COMBINE_ALL_DATA: put together several datasets into pseudo-MIR dataset
 COMPARE_SOLN:  compare two heavy-atom solutions and see if they are equivalent
 COMPLETE: determine completeness of a dataset
 DRGTOXPLOR: write out FOBS, SIGMA in X-PLOR format
 END: end the program
 EXPORT: write out h,k,l, data without any titles
 FDIFF: Create pseudo-mutant dataset for difference refinement
 FFTTOCCP4: convert asymmetric unit of FFT to asymmetric unit in ccp4 map format
 FFTTOEZD: convert asymmetric unit of FFT to any portion of cell in EZDNEW format 
          (for O)
 FFTTOMAPVIEW: convert asymmetric unit of FFT to any portion of cell in a format 
               for MAPVIEW
 FILEMERGE: combine or extract data columns from dorgbn files
 FTOB: convert from formatted dorgbn file to binary one
 FRACT_TO_CART: convert fractional coordinates to Cartesian
 GENERATE_MAD:  generate MAD dataset
 GENERATE_MIR:  generate MIR dataset
 GETANOM: convert from F+ and F- to Fbar and DelAnom
 GETISO: calculate differences between two data columns
 GETPHASES: convert from A,B coefficients to F and phase
 HA_PDB:  write out current set of heavy atoms in pdb format
 HASSP:  search for solutions to a patterson map
 HISTORY: list commands and keywords input to SOLVE
 HEAVY:  refine heavy atom parameters
 HELP: get information on this program
 IMPORT:  read in formatted file with h,k,l,data, stripping off any text
 LOCALSCALE: scale one dataset to another with local scaling
 MADBST: estimate heavy-atom structure factors from MAD data
 MADMRG: create pseudo-SIR+anom data from MAD data
 MAPS:  calculate Fourier and Patterson maps
 MAPTOASYM: Map a PDB file onto the asymmetric unit of the crystal
 MAPTOOBJECT: Map atoms to equivalent position close to  specified object
 MATH: Add, subtract, generate columns of data, used to  construct test datasets
       and operate on data.
 MERGE: merge equivalent reflections and write out asymmetric unit
 NEW_DATASET: start reading in a new dataset to be combined later
 NOLOG: stop writing log file
 PEAKSEARCH: find peaks in Fourier map
 PREFERENCES: display symmetry file, cell dimensions, and grids for FFT
 RHO: Write out value of a map at positions of atoms in a PDB file.
 SAD: solve a SAD dataset
 SCALE_NATIVE: read in and scale native data for a MIR dataset
 SCALE_MAD: read in and scale MAD data
 SCALE_MIR: read in and scale MIR data following SCALE_NATIVE
 SOLVE:  solve an MIR or MAD dataset
 STOP: end the program
 VIEW: view a binary dorgbn file 
 WEIGHTS: set up weighting scheme for atomic refinement


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