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Data formats for automated structure determination with SOLVE

Your choices about input data include:

These choices are discussed below in more detail. See also the SAMPLE SCRIPTS.

Should you merge your data to the asymmetric unit before running SOLVE?

SOLVE can read unmerged data or data merged to the asymmetric unit.

Can you input more than one data file for a native, derivative, or wavelength?

For each native, derivative, or wavelength dataset, you can input one or more separate data files.

What data format? Amplitudes or intensities?

if you have DENZO-SCALEPACK output as your raw data...

...and the data is NOT MERGED to the asymmetric unit, you will use the flags:

if the data is ALREADY MERGED to the asymmetric unit, substitute the flag:

if you have FREE-FORMAT intensities or amplitudes as your raw data...

...and the data looks like: H K L I SIGMA, use the flags

if the data looks like: H K L I+ SIGMA+ I- SIGMA-, substitute the flag:

if you have free-format F(hkl) instead of intensities:

if you have a CCP4 MTZ file with amplitudes scaled and reduced to the asymmetric unit as your raw data...

use the flags LABIN and HKLIN to tell SOLVE how to read your mtz file. You can use multiple LABIN statements if you can't fit it all on one line. A sample LABIN statement where native F is called FP and sigma is SIG and deriv F is called FHG and sig of deriv F is SIGHG and anom diff for deriv is called DELHG and its sigma is SIGDELHG and with an input file of input.mtz is:

if you have a d*TREK file with intensities as your raw data...

use the flag READTREK (just one flag needed)

What if I have phases from molecular replacement?


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